Within the scope of this contract INTRALOT provides a Central System and installs technology solutions in all retail locations of Nederlandse Loterij. INTRALOT services are planned to transition in 2019.
Nederlandse Loterij has been formed in April 2016 through the merger of the Nederlandse Staatsloterij and De Lotto. Nederlandse Loterij offers seven well-known games of chance in the Netherlands, including brands like Staatsloterij, Lotto, Toto, Eurojackpot, Miljoenenspel, Lucky Day and Krasloten. Its mission is to invest in a happier and healthier society by donating a large sum, 37%, of its revenues to national sport and charity organizations. The remaining 63% is donated to the Dutch national treasury.
Arjan Blok (Chief Financial Officer) Nederlandse Loterij: “After an intensive international tender process in which we have compared services of top suppliers in the gaming industry, we are confident INTRALOT will be able to deliver the quality and flexibility we need to meet the challenges in a fast and changing market.”
Nikos Nikolakopoulos, Chief Commercial Officer for INTRALOT states: “We are thrilled to be selected by Nederlandse Loterij for the supply of a new central system and terminals solution. Through this cooperation opportunity we bring our latest technological innovations of a flexible modular central system that minimizes time-to-market and reduces operator total cost of ownership along with the most advanced camera clerk operated terminal that will offer tremendous benefits to the operator and the retailers’ network”.